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​Our Projects

'29 Years, 29 Songs' was the first project of Stichting SAZ.


The netto-revenues of our projects will be donated to a charity.

We are talking about a netto-revenue, because we have to pay the prouctin costs,Royalties, Taxes etc. etc.


Due to the succes of the cd  '29 Years, 2 Songs', which was released in 2012 and sold almost 1000 copies, Stichting Saz decided to release the follow up album, Volume 2 , which as released on March 26th 2013. 


Stichting Saz was overwelmed by the huge amound of artists and bands who offered to partcipate on our second project, Volume 2, that we decided to do a Volume 2.5 as well.

Because we cold not decide which tracks to use, because all of them are unique and special in their own way.......


Volume 2.5 will be a Limited Edition Cd. Only 500 copies will be made. Volume 2.5 will only be availabe as a combi-pack with Volume 2.


The most important thing is that the charity of our choosing in The Netherlands or/and abroad, stand for the care of children suffer from a terminal disease.


The charity of our choosing will be a charity Saz would have picked her self.

This double cd will therefore be dedicated to Saz, her family and friends.


More information about our choice in charities can be found under the 'The Charities' button in the menu on top of this page.



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