Our Goals
Our goal is simple...........
To generate funds to support several charities and events which can make the difference in a sick child's life.
Stichting Saz is supporting charities which would had the approval of Saz....
Our first chosen charity is Stichting Jaimy.
This charity is founded by Hein en Tonny Van Boxtel after the loss of their little son Jaimy, who after a brave battle on the age of 9, passed away suffering from cancer.
During his long stays in the Radboud Ziekenhuis in Nijmegen, Jaimy noticed how little toys were available, for him and his fellow patients, to play with.
Especially for the children who needed to stay in a sterile box.
Most of the toys available, like Playstations, gameboys, laptops, but also Barbies and bouncing balls, were not resistant to the desinfecting and cleaning substances.
Stichting Jaimy arranges money and supplies, mostly special toys, for 5 children-oncological Centres in The Netherlands, to make the stay of this children a little less unbearable.
All gifts and donations will be done with approval of doctors and pedagocical personal in those hospitals/centres.
More information about Stichting Jaimy can be found on their website http://www.stichtingjaimy.nl
Stichting Saz also supports Stichting Ambulance Wens and The Annual Biker Run Catalunia